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2023 Tidal Bay

2023 Tidal Bay
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It was a challenging year starting with a polar vortex causing winter damage to vines and then spring and
summer rains but our well-drained soil and organic practices gave us some resilience.

We planted predominantly L'Acadie Blanc on our estate because we were impressed early with its
flavours and saw potential of matching the unique gravelly terroir of our estate with sparkling wine.
Enhanced minerality and slight saline from ancient seabed schist, sandstone and slate is our own terroir
signature and getting more pronounced each year as the roots reach deep into our living soils teeming
with fungal populations to help vines accentuate uptake of nutrients and flavours. A perfect match for a
terroir-based wine like our Tidal Bay.

Wine Specs
Gaspereau Valley
Harvest Date
October 2, 2023
17 Brix at harvest
10.8 at harvest
high minerality and dryness will allow this wine to age well into its 4th birthday
Bottling Date
May 22, 2024
Residual Sugar
1.6 g/l
Alcohol %
Wine Profile
Tasting Notes
Our approach for Tidal Bay is organic, biocyclic vegan and dry. The 2023 vintage gave us crisp acidity and notes of mango, red grapefruit, apple and lemon curd with mineral finish.
Production Notes
99% L'Acadie Blanc, 1% Seyval Blanc
Winemaker Notes
A blend of several ferments from several different estate blocks and harvest dates of L'Acadie Blanc and Seyval Blanc
Other Notes
Certified Biocyclic vegan and organic